GoodWill Yunting
GoodWill Yunting
What is The Pond?
In this episode, we talk about a project we have been working on for a long time at Yunt Capital, The Pond. We are super excited to announce the release of The Pond, a media platform built by a community of crypto natives to share and document the collective experience of working and interacting within Web3.
The Pond allows us to fold in new writers and content creators to expand our areas of expertise and the amount of incredible content we can offer. Ultimately, we hope this grassroots initiative becomes a space for us to share ideas. We aim for The Pond to be a full-stack Web3 content hub where we’re looking to publish the best writers and content producers in the space to drop knowledge about crypto, NFTs, and Web3 gaming. It’s going to be a place where anyone from the noobiest noobs to the in-the-trenches degens can come to read up on what’s happening and what’s coming in crypto.
If you enjoyed the episode, please subscribe, rate, and share so we can continue to get amazing, alpha-dropping guests. We plan to release episodes bi-weekly, so don't sleep!
Find The Pond on Twitter @ThePondWTF. You can find the pod on Twitter @GoodWillYunting
As always, Yunt Hard, Yunt Fast, Yunt Capital.
Disclaimer: Nothing said on this podcast is advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or tokens. We may, and often because we’re passionate about the projects we bring on, hold investments in the project and even work in their communities. None of this is financial advice, please do your own research; this is a risky field.