GoodWill Yunting
GoodWill Yunting
FTX Fallout: Fraud, Trust, and Regulation
In this episode, I bring on four other Yunts to discuss what happened with FTX, what it means for our industry, and what the future of crypto looks like moving forward. We start by discussing what actually happened and some of the initial fallout we have seen. We then get into how this will affect user and normie trust going forward, and what this means for the future adoption of crypto. Next, we discuss the possible/plausible regulations that will come from this on both the traditional and DeFi side. We discuss what some of SBFs motives could have been, and how bad this collapse is compared to past crypto events. We end on a more positive note where we announce the release of our new full-stack education platform, called The Pond, a website that will be the go-to content hub for everyone from the noob to the most degen.
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Feel free to tweet or message me @TheRogueItachi. You can find the pod on Twitter @GoodWillYunting
As always, Yunt Hard, Yunt Fast, Yunt Capital.
Disclaimer: Nothing said on this podcast is advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or tokens. We may, and often because we’re passionate about the projects we bring on, hold investments in the project and even work in their communities. None of this is financial advice, please do your own research; this is a risky field.