GoodWill Yunting
GoodWill Yunting
Parallel: More Than a Project, an Ecosystem ft. Kalos and Berg
This wonderful episode was a long time coming as Parallel OG Berg and I sit down with Kalos from Parallel to talk all things Parallel, Echelon, and gamefi. Kalos gives us his unique backstory and how Parallel went from a childhood dream to a reality. We get into all the details of Parallel including how everyone will be able to play regardless of finances, a smooth normie onramp, building out the Parallel universe, card art and functions, and Kalos leaks there will be a Parallel superbowl commercial next year (okay maybe I said that not him). Of course, we don't shy away from the thick of things on GoodWill Yunting, so we discuss the most important aspects of the Prime Paper and Echelon Foundation Paper, along with how the Echelon Foundation fits into the future of not only Parallel but gamefi in general. Finally, we end on why Kalos has a giant Berg head watching over him at all times. This episode is full of knowledge, alpha, and laughs for a project that has the potential to take the world by storm.
If you enjoyed the episode, please subscribe, rate, and share so we can continue to get amazing, alpha dropping guests. We release episodes bi-weekly, so don't sleep!
Big thank you to Kalos and Berg for taking the time to talk Parallel with me. You can find them on Twitter @templecrash and @DeFiBerg. Feel free to tweet or message me @TheRogueItachi
As always, Yunt Hard, Yunt Fast, Yunt Capital.
Disclaimer: Nothing said on this podcast is advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or tokens. We may, and often because we’re passionate about the projects we bring on, hold investments in the project and even work in their communities. None of this is financial advice, please do your own research; this is a risky field.